Why husbandry? ... Vast question which could extend for hours!
The simplest is to say that, as Obelix and his pot of magic potion, I fell in very small and at 7 years old, I pestered my parents for my first dog. Logically and inexorably, the idea of my future was imposed on me over time. I live in the countryside and surrounded by dogs ... or nothing!
After leaving the family nest, where I had to leave my first dog (my parents were deeply attached to them), I acquired iety, my first Rott; then arrived Image, Ilan, Look ... and others that you can discover in your visit.
Love dogs are now combining to 2, so we want you to
share our passion thanks to this site ...
Good visit !
Small Wink of our daily
Our dogs, our other animals, our alumni .... On the spot, passing ....
Mise à jour du site le 26 Avril 2017 - Updating the website April 26, 2016 - La actualización de la página web 26 de de abril de, 2017
Les gardiens d' Attila - Monsieur et Madame DO CAMPO - 2 route de Praslin - 10210 LANTAGES - Tel : 03 25 40 02 66 ou 06 10 13 51 94
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