They were born in the kennel "The guards of Attila.
Now they are an integral part of your family.
Send us your photos along with their names and the names of their parents, birth dates. We will be happy to publish them on this page.
Mise à jour du site le 26 Avril 2017 - Updating the website April 26, 2016 - La actualización de la página web 26 de de abril de, 2017
Les gardiens d' Attila - Monsieur et Madame DO CAMPO - 2 route de Praslin - 10210 LANTAGES - Tel : 03 25 40 02 66 ou 06 10 13 51 94
Siret : 41223089800022 - Tva intra-communautaire : FR 33412230898 - Certificat de capacité : 10017